IDA Pharmacy Now Here To Serve You Better

Our partnership with Haven Medical provide you a convenient access to a doctor and any medical needs.

Our Services

Are constantly thriving to improve our already high standards to have you see us as the absolute best in the industry.

IDB Pharmacy


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Free Delivery

Free delivery in the Edmonton Area.


Compounding is preparation of a custom formulation of a medication to fit a unique need of a patient.


All pharmacists on duty have additional prescribing authority, we make medication compliant packs

IBD Pharmacy

We Carry Riversol Skincare

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jason Rivers created Riversol after more than 20 years of clinical dermatology to offer a safe, anti-aging solution for his patients with sensitive skin. Today, his products are enjoyed by customers around the world as he continues to treat patients directly at his clinic in Vancouver, Canada.

Happy Customers


Service Guarantee


Contact Info

16424 Ellerslie Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6W 4S8



Opening Hours

Monday – Friday

9:00 AM to 6:00PM


10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Sundays & Holidays


Monday – Friday

9:00 AM to 6:00PM


10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Sundays & Holidays


Pharmacy Information

Pharmacist: Peimaneh AzarHooshangi 

Pharmacy License No. 9712 – Expires June 30, 2023

On request, the owner will provide the name and practice number of any regulated member who provides a pharmacy service to the patient or who engages in the practice of pharmacy with respect to the patient.